16 August 2023

Added 2 chest types to leylow game.
When the player clicks the chest, the item will rise from under a layer as if it was inside it.

Made a simulation to what is inspired by a pole plant from rain world!
(A long pole-imitating plant that moves when it senses a creature nearby)
Each stick is it's own object that remembers its parents and children.
The parents stick moves to wherever is targeted, and the children sticks copy the parent's angle over time.

I used a similar parent-child technique to create a stick-man with movable limbs!
I think this is similar to how pivot animator works? Each stick has the option to be drawn as a circle instead.

Added the pole plant creature into game (It just felt so fitting to the cave).

It can be a way to hide a path for a secret.
By default, it will aim at the player, but if the player is holding something, it will act differently.
Likes: Apples (like slimes, maybe the cave creatures will all like it?)
Dislikes: Swords (slimes, however, aren't smart enough to sense danger)

Drew some sprites for the town and made more plans for it!

Downloaded Unity on my dad's computer and it went well.
Managed to get Intellisense to work on it.

Going to my first offical GameJam (Which happens to be in-person).
I'm pretty excited!
Started practicing by making a game where the twist is that you can only see the world if you move your game window around.

The GameJam's theme was "Flow".
Me and my teamate decided on some kind of water vs fire puzzle game.
The fire creature would be the enemy; it traps innocent little water creatures.
The main water creature has to save them by turning into different states of Solid, Liqued, and Gas.

Breeze Blaze got 2nd Place and "Best Game Concept"!!!
(out of around 25 other games)
We had an amazing time, we took pictures and talked with other gamedevs.
Here's the game, if you want to try it!

[Breeze Blaze on Itch.io]

Learned how to use tilesets; although, if I am to add it to game, the way the camera moves will have to be updated...

I gave another shot at trying to enable Adsense. Hope it works this time.

This is truly one of the devlog posts of all time.

Blog End